Diarmuid Johnson
Sat 22nd Feb, 12.30PM
15/12 euro

Poet, novelist and musician Diarmuid Johnson spent his early years in Galway and has since enjoyed a rich and varied career in several European countries. His most recent book, Conamara agus Tíortha Eile (Leabhar Breac 2025), is a prismatic work featuring poems in Irish, English. French and other languages, including his native Welsh. He is author of the acclaimed Tara Trilogy, a retelling of the origin tales of Ireland. An ambitious forthcoming novel An Cláirseoir (Leabhar Breac 2025) deals with the circumstances surrounding the Norman conquest of Ireland in 1169.

Diarmuid Johnson currently works and winters in Brussels, spending warmer days in his woodside retreat in Brittany where he reads, writes and plays the flute.

Diarmuid will talk about and read extracts from his new book Ceallach.

Date & Times

Sat 22 Feb, 12.30pm

Run times may vary by up to 15 minutes as they can be affected by intervals and delays.


Standard Entry: €15
Concession Entry: €12*

*  Concession tickets are available for students, seniors and unwaged purchases.



69 O’Connell St, Limerick, V94 FK0H


Starting at the Brown Thomas store, continue walking straight up O’Connell St. After the Mallow St junction, Belltable is on the left-hand side of the road, in the middle of the block.

Public Transport:

From the bus stop on Sarsfield Street, take the 304 as far as the O’Connell Monument, O’Connell St. Continue back towards the city centre, Belltable is on the right-hand side of the road, in the middle of the block.


Belltable is situated in the city centre and encourages patrons to walk where possible.

For those who can’t walk and need to drive there is only on street parking.

Belltable will open from 9am on both Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of the festival.

Tickets can be booked online at www.limetreebelltable.ie. Links to which can be found on this site.

Weekend Pass €130/€100. Individual Sessions €15/€12. Heaney in Translation €20/€18.

Tickets may be purchased at the door for individual sessions, while tickets are still available.

Please note that ticket capacity is limited at all events, tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis. Please allow time to purchase tickets on the door as no latecomers will be permitted once an event commences.

Belltable is fully accessible.

Wheelchair spaces: We strongly advise that, should you require a wheelchair space, you contact our Box Office staff on (061) 953400 as early as possible.

Accessible Toilets: Belltable  has one accessible toilet in the main foyer area next to the bar.

Guide/Assistance Dogs are welcome in both our venues.

Baby Changing Facilities: We have baby changing facilities in the accessible toilets in Belltable.

The Belltable cafe will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 2pm, serving coffee, tea etc.



Diarmuid Johnson

Date: Sat 22 Feb, 12.30PM
Venue: Belltable
Admission: €15/12
Diarmuid will talk about and read extracts from his new book 'Ceallach'.

Christine Dwyer Hickey

Date: Sat 22 Feb, 1.45PM
Venue: Belltable
Admission: €15/12
Christine will be interviewed about her new novel 'Our London Lives' by Niall MacMonagle.

Ciaran O'Driscoll

Date: Sat 22 Feb, 11.15AM
Venue: Belltable
Admission: €15/12
Ciaran will be speaking about his new novel 'The Golden Ass'.